FLF hosts first International Summit in Tel Aviv


The Follicular Lymphoma Foundation (FLF) proudly hosted its first international FL Summit, titled “Joining Forces to Cure Follicular Lymphoma,” in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The summit, held in January 2023, exceeded all expectations and marked a major milestone for the FLF. The summit brought together a diverse group of lymphoma experts, scientists, researchers, and representatives from the world’s life sciences and biotech businesses to discuss the latest insights into the biology and treatment of follicular lymphoma (FL).

The day was packed full of insightful presentations and engaging panel discussions centred around key FL topics such as pathobiology and treatment, with a focus on immunotherapy including CAR-T and bispecific antibodies, and what it will take to find a cure.



“We are so excited about the summit; we are bringing together the brightest minds and thought leaders in tackling follicular lymphoma”. Dr Mitchell Smith (FLF CMO, US)

Experts share optimism for advancements in treatments and cure

The summit featured nine world-class speakers, including Dr Mitchell Smith, the CMO at the FLF, Professor Gideon Rechavi from the Sheba Cancer Research Centre in Israel, Dr Andrew Zelenetz from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in the US, and Dr Davide Rossi from the Institute of Oncology Research in Switzerland.

One of the key highlights of the summit was the real desire to move the field forward and a belief that we can break the mould as a community. Participants shared their optimism about the opportunities to enhance targeted immunotherapies, pushing us closer to a cure for FL. They discussed the importance of developing molecular markers, especially to define high-risk patients and the need for a deeper understanding of how transformation occurs in FL.



Call for collaboration to amplify the impact of the global FL community

The speakers also emphasised the opportunity to maintain the momentum of the day and amplify the impact of the global FL community. They recognised that the community has the power to achieve significant progress in the fight against FL by working together and sharing their knowledge, resources, and expertise.

The FLF is committed to supporting innovative research and improving the lives of FL patients worldwide. By joining forces, we can continue to push the boundaries in pursuing the development of new and improved treatments and cures for FL patients.


Looking forward to future collaborations and advancements in the fight against FL

The FLF hopes that this summit will serve as a catalyst for future collaborations and advancements in the field of FL. Overall, the first international summit hosted by the FLF was a resounding success, and we look forward to the future advancements that will emerge from the community’s continued efforts to find a cure for FL. The foundation remains committed to bringing together the best minds in the field to break the mould and make a significant impact in the fight against FL.

What’s next? Accelerating progress through research and collaboration

The FLF is committed to hosting more events like the FL Summit and will be hosting a satellite symposium at ICML, Lugano, Switzerland on June 15th entitled “What Will it Take to Cure Follicular Lymphoma?”

By bringing together the best minds in the field, the FLF hopes to continue to push the boundaries in pursuing the development of new and improved treatments and cures for FL patients. It is by holding events such as this, that we believe we can create the movement required to achieve our aims of accelerating better treatments for FL and finding a cure.

We encourage everyone in the FL community to join us on our journey to find a cure. Whether you are a patient, caregiver, clinician, scientist, or member of the general public, your contributions are essential to advancing the research and improving the lives of FL patients. We welcome your comments on any part that caught your attention by reaching out to info@theflf.org. We also welcome your support through donations to ensure we can continue our vital work.