FLF launches new branch in Israel


We’re thrilled to share a big step forward in our fight against follicular lymphoma. In April of this year, our founder, Nicola Mendelsohn, officially opened the new branch of the Follicular Lymphoma Foundation in Israel. This follows the success of our first FL Global Summit held in Tel Aviv, Israel in January 2023, which you can read about here. This is a really important milestone for us as it demonstrates how we’re growing globally and strengthening our partnerships with top researchers in Israel. 

Building stronger connections

The opening of our new branch in Israel means we can work even more closely with brilliant researchers in the country. Israel is known for its revolutionary medical advancements, and by being there, we can tap into their knowledge and resources to speed up progress in fighting follicular lymphoma. This move is all about shining a light on this disease, spreading awareness, and working together to make big strides in research.

I am so excited that the foundation has officially formalised it’s presence in the wonderful country of Israel. After hosting our first FL Summit in Tel Aviv in January, it was amazing to see and hear more about the incredible research opportunities to help us find a cure.

Yvette Fish (COO, FLF)

Improving patient lives globally

The FLF are on a mission to find a cure for follicular lymphoma, with patients being at the heart of everything we do. Our new branch in Israel means we will increase our chances of reaching more patients and gaining a better understanding of this disease. Not only will we connect with patients and their loved ones in Israel, but it also offers us the opportunity to form partnerships with top lymphoma scientists and researchers in the country, and therefore create an environment where we can progress faster in finding a cure.

Introducing an Israel bank account for donors

We’re delighted to let you know that we’ll soon be introducing an Israeli bank account for our supporters in the country. This means that if you want to contribute to our cause from Israel, it will soon be easier and more direct to donate. By having an Israeli bank account option, we’re making sure that nothing stands in the way of people who want to make a real difference in the fight against follicular lymphoma.

Looking ahead

With legal entities in the UK, USA, and Israel, the Follicular Lymphoma Foundation is ready to make an even bigger difference in the lives of patients and their loved ones. Our global presence means we can connect with diverse communities, tap into different expertise, and drive forward-thinking research that will lead us to a brighter future.