Rosie’s fundraising story

Rosie & co

When spare tickets for the 2023 Great North Run became available, I knew it was a sign to get my husband Rob and brother-in-law Jack to join me in running to raise money for the Follicular Lymphoma Foundation (FLF). 

Though I’m not a runner, I was motivated to push myself and use this opportunity to fundraise for the FLF community that I care so deeply about. Especially as a member of the fundraising team at the FLF, I’ve found myself asking lots of other people to take on challenges, and it was high time I did the same! 

We started our journey from London, heading up to Newcastle during one of the hottest weekends of the year. This certainly made the first few miles a struggle! But around the halfway point, I got a burst of much needed motivation when a fellow runner tapped me on the shoulder after seeing our bright purple FLF shirts. 



Between the three of us we raised over £1,000 and put a spotlight on curing follicular lymphoma!

She shared that her mum has follicular lymphoma, and thanked me for running for the FLF. Her words reinforced why I was putting my body through this – to support patients and fund research towards better treatments and a cure. 

Spurred on by this interaction, and the incredible crowds that line the streets, I found the determination to keep going and complete the half marathon!

Despite some extreme flooding ten minutes after we finished which brought the city to a standstill, the satisfaction of finishing and raising meaningful funds made every obstacle worthwhile.

I’m so grateful to all our friends, family members, and the FLF team who donated and cheered us on from afar. Together, we made a difference! 

If you’re interested in doing some fundraising for the FLF (which I wholeheartedly recommend!) then please get in touch with the team at

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